Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry

“She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.” (Proverbs 31:26)

We are incredibly blessed to have a large group of women who love the Lord and each other. These ladies truly are the backbone of the Church as they do the Lords work from a pure heart and seek to edify one another through God’s word.

The Ladies Meeting is for women of all ages and is held at the Church building on the first Saturday of each month at 4pm. The meeting usually consists of singing some hymns together followed by a devotion from the Bible and a time of fellowship.

The devotions are insightful as the group studies various characters and topics from the Bible and unpack the truths which can be applied to their personal lives. Various members of the group have the opportunity to lead a devotion as well as a guest speaker who will visit on occasion.

The ‘Secret Sister’ initiative is also a key feature of the group. Once a year, the ladies will randomly select a fellow group member and commit to secretly praying for that person throughout the year. At Christmas time, the ladies will share their ‘Secret Sister’ and give them a gift. This has been a huge blessing for the group. Newcomers are always welcome to join this incredible group of warm and loving women. We would be honoured to see the Lord continue to work in the lives of our sisters in Christ.